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Energy like no other

With fierce execution speed, innovative thinking and a tech-driven mindset, we unlock the potential of energy. Together with energy major Equinor, we have the vision and strength to accelerate the energy transition.

Trading energy every minute of the day

As a leading energy trading company, we connect producers and large-scale consumers to wholesale markets. We bring renewables to the market at scale, paving the way for a more sustainable future. And through our portfolio of gas storages and assets, we provide the flexibility needed to meet the energy demands and intermittency of renewable power generation.

We are a collective of thinkers and doers, working together to make an impact. And we love every second of it!

What we do

Energy trading

Power trading

We are known as a leading power trader. With our power trading activities now spanning across 42 countries globally, we process and analyse vast amounts of data every day to optimise our strategies and move energy to where it’s needed most.

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Nikolaj from European Gas Trading
Energy trading

Gas trading

We are experts in gas trading along the curve and the optimisation of flows close to delivery. Through our portfolio of gas storages, we provide the flexibility needed to meet the energy demands and intermittency of renewable power generation.

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Services for

Power producers

We bring renewables to the market at scale, paving the way for a more sustainable future. And through our portfolio of conventional assets, we provide the flexibility needed to meet the energy demands and intermittency of renewable power generation.

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City skyline corporates and consumers
Services for

Energy consumers

As a corporate or industrial energy consumer, you need a partner that knows the energy value chain inside out, manages your risk profile and helps you on the road to becoming carbon neutral. We can accelerate your progress towards a greener future through a range of standard and tailored services.

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Services for

Energy suppliers

We provide utilities and wholesale energy suppliers with trading and risk management services. We build long-term relationships and offer bespoke solutions that protect our partners against adverse price developments in the volatile power markets.

For energy suppliers
+ 600
dedicated people

+ 35,000
average trades per day

12,000 MW
assets under contract

This is us

It requires extreme dedication and the most sophisticated technology to analyse the fundamentals that make up the foundation of a single trade. Let alone the 35,000 we conduct on a daily basis. But most of all, it requires remarkable people.


Life inside Danske Commodities

We’re aspiring chefs, runners, parents, beekeepers, gamers – the list goes on. We’re also a company of highly specialised experts within our fields.

Why you should join us
359 EURm
Adjusted EBT

in 2023

40,460 EURm
Gross turnover

in 2023

64 %
Equity ratio

in 2023

By the decision from the sanctioning body of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Danske Commodities is obliged to publish a decision from CRE on its website. Danske Commodities does not agree with the decision and has appealed the case to the Higher Administrative Court in France.

Our view on the decision

FR: Danske Commodities A/S et Equinor ASA ont été condamnées, par la décision n° 08 – 40-23 de la Commission de régulation de l’énergie (CRE) en date du 20 janvier 2025, au titre de la méconnaissance de l’article 5 du règlement REMIT qui prohibe les manipulations de marché, au paiement de sanctions pécuniaires, dont les montants s’élèvent à huit millions d’euros (8 000 000 €) pour Danske Commodities A/S et quatre millions d’euros (4 000 000 €) pour Equinor ASA, pour des manipulations commises sur le marché de gros en 2019 et 2020, relatives à la capacité de transport de gaz naturel entre la France et l’Espagne.” Lien vers la décision complète. 

UK: Danske Commodities A/S and Equinor ASA have been sanctioned by decision No. 08 – 40-23 of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) dated January 20, 2025, for violating Article 5 of the REMIT regulation, which prohibits market manipulation. They have been ordered to pay financial penalties amounting to eight million euros (€8,000,000) for Danske Commodities A/S and four million euros (€4,000,000) for Equinor ASA, for manipulations committed on the wholesale market in 2019 and 2020, related to the natural gas transportation capacity between France and Spain.”

DK: Danske Commodities A/S og Equinor ASA er blevet dømt ved afgørelse nr. 08 – 40-23 fra den franske energireguleringskommission (CRE) dateret den 20. januar 2025 for overtrædelse af artikel 5 i REMIT-forordningen, som forbyder markedsmanipulation. De er blevet pålagt at betale økonomiske sanktioner på henholdsvis otte millioner euro (€8.000.000) for Danske Commodities A/S og fire millioner euro (€4.000.000) for Equinor ASA for manipulationer begået på engrosmarkedet i 2019 og 2020, relateret til transportkapaciteten for naturgas mellem Frankrig og Spanien.”