Mia’s career journey

My career path in Danske Commodities
I started in Danske Commodities back in 2012 as a Personal Assistant within renewables, supporting the team on strategy, HR-related tasks and the booming Direktvermarktung business in Germany.
From there, I was promoted to Project Manager and System Owner of DC’s CRM system, which really needed an upgrade at the time. Building on this experience, I moved to IT to continue my journey as a project manager.
Working closely with IT landed me my next job as an IT Partner where I was part of developing the first three-year IT strategy and led bigger projects like the business continuity project. Then I got the opportunity to become project manager for DC’s market entry into the US. While working on the US project, I found that I had missed the trading floor and thus decided to join our business development team, bridging Danske Commodities’ trading activities with Equinor’s renewable ambitions.
Benefits from cross-organisational experience in my current role
Having experience from both front and back office has of course made it easier to lead commercial projects like our market entry in Brazil, which requires the resources of more or less all units to establish a legal entity, build the necessary systems, hire the right people, define our risk appetite and, ultimately, trade power in the Brazilian market and support Equinor’s renewables activities. And using Brazil as an example, I also benefit from my understanding of assets – this makes it easier to understand technical aspects like metering data and why this is important. Another example is the business continuity project I led when I was in IT. Now, as part of a commercial team, it’s natural for me to think business continuity into commercial projects and consider important aspects like back-up solutions for trading in case of an emergency.
While working on the US project, I found that I had missed the trading floor
My advice to those contemplating an alternative career journey
My best advice is to use your Individual Development Plan (IDP) actively. This might not be a revolutionary advice when it comes to personal development in Danske Commodities, but it really has been instrumental for my journey. My IDP has led me from IT to Business Development, it was my way to a secondment in Oslo and it helped me secure a spot in this year’s Leadership Assessment Programme. All three examples of actions that I worked proactively with as part of my IDP. I would also encourage you to seek out inspiration within the organisation. If there’s someone in Danske Commodities with responsibilities or tasks that you find interesting, why not invite them for a lunch and pick their brain? And my final advice is to be proactive. Opportunities are not always provided, sometimes you have to create them yourself. You can’t sit around and wait for the perfect job to appear. I have learned that you can come a long way by showing initiative and creating your own position by pitching it almost like a business case. In other words, find out what you think is exciting and if this fits a need for Danske Commodities, then there’s a pretty good chance of it becoming reality.