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Dogger Bank Wind Farm
Dogger Bank Wind Farm is owned by Equinor, SSE Renewables and Eni, and is located 130 km off the coast of Yorkshire in the UK. With a total capacity of 3.6 GW, Dogger Bank is set to become the world’s largest offshore windfarm and will provide six million British households with renewable electricity.

Partnering up with the world's largest offshore wind farm

In 2020, Danske Commodities signed a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Dogger Bank. Projects like Dogger Bank are crucial to the green transition and we need to install even more renewable energy to meet the climate challenges. But to do so, the projects must also be commercially viable. Here, Head of Global Origination Marco Verspuij explains how Danske Commodities helps turn renewables into a profitable business.

Balancing one of the world's most volatile commodities

Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are among the world’s most volatile commodities. Why? Simply because you can't control the weather. The influx of renewables in the energy mix means intermittent power generation, but the world cannot function without energy on days with no sunshine and no wind blowing. At the same time, climate change and policy makers call for a phase-out of conventional energy and demand more clean energy.
Danske Commodities helps balance energy grids across markets and move renewable energy from where there is more than needed to where it is needed most. By making the production and distribution of renewable energy efficient, we help ensure that renewable projects like Dogger Bank succeed.

Renewable energy must become commercially viable

To succeed with the green energy transition, the world needs more renewable energy sources. But installing substantial volumes of renewable energy requires large investments – and for investors to make those investments, you need a commercially viable business case. Danske Commodities helps turn renewables into a profitable business by optimising the value of the production. Leveraging our expertise within production and price forecasting, we trade the production from renewable assets in 39 markets, making sure energy systems are balanced and the value of the production is maximised.

When renewable energy is able to compete with conventional energy sources on market terms, we will be one step closer to succeeding with the green transition.

About Dogger Bank

The Dogger Bank wind farm consists of three phases; Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C. Each phase accounts for 1.2 GW of the farm’s total capacity of 3.6 GW. Under the PPA, Danske Commodities will offtake a total of 960 MW power from all three phases, Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C.

Dogger Bank A and B is a joint venture between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Eni (20%). In November 2021, SSE Renewables and Equinor announced that Eni will also take a 20% stake in Dogger Bank C, with SSE Renewables and Equinor maintaining 40% stakes each, in a deal that is expected to complete in Q1 2022 (subject to Dogger Bank C Financial Close and regulatory approvals.) Once fully operational, Dogger Bank is set to become the world’s largest offshore wind farm and will provide six million British households with renewable electricity.