Jonas’ career journey

My career path in Danske Commodities
I joined Danske Commodities in 2012 as a business analyst where I focused on the optimisation of Danish conventional assets. From there, I moved on to a new role as project manager in another team focused on assets.
Building on this experience, I later joined the Strategy & Projects team, where I was working on part-time projects and part-time strategy. Strategy quickly became a full-time interest and I took on a dedicated strategy role as a Senior Strategy Analyst in the team. In this role, I focused on unit strategies, including development, facilitation and implementation, and other strategic projects like defining Danske Commodities' competitive edge and drafting a CSR strategy.
After some years, I discussed career development with a mentor I was sparring with at the time, and together we identified a new path for me to pursue two of my great interests: people and leadership. That’s how I landed in HR, first as a talent development manager, building DC University and developing the Individual Development Plan (IDP) concept, and now as Manager, Head of Rewards & Performance Management.
My latest adventure is actually outside of Danske Commodities' headquarters as I take on a secondment in Norway with Equinor as HR Manager of Low Carbon Solutions. All in all, quite the ride when you look at it today.
Benefits from cross-organisational experience in my current role
First of all, I benefit from having experience with Danske Commodities' business on an operational and strategic level. Having now worked in both front and back office, I have a more holistic view of the business, which helps me approach projects that apply to the entire organisation. An example of this could be implementing a new bonus model. And having project management experience and solid presentation skills doesn’t hurt either.
Having worked in both front and back office, I have a more holistic view of the business.
My advice to those contemplating an alternative career journey
My first advice would be to grab the opportunity when it presents itself – even if it’s not exactly how or when you imagined it. Take secondments for instance. There will always be some planning needed and a few hassles to overcome, but for me personally, I couldn’t say no to the chance to get closer to the Equinor/Danske Commodities collaboration and experience how a huge company like Equinor approaches the People & Culture area. Second, I would remind you that many roads can lead to Rome. Don’t think that development is always vertical. If you are interested in leadership, the path to becoming a leader can also start by moving sideways. Take me for instance. I started moving sideways to work with something that interested me – people development – and it led to a leadership role a few years later.
Finally, I would encourage you to actively initiate the necessary conversations on career development with your leader. That was how I found my path within people and leadership.